Spray Paint!~

Började min första lektion i 'Spray Painting'.
Nedan kan ni se video av vad det är.

Today i started my first lesson in 'Spray Painting', absolutely love it.
annyways, for you who are scratching your heads wondering what it is, below you can see some videos of what it is.

Enjoy ^^

aaand, another one:

aaand a last one:

S: Jag är helt förälskat i detta, kan inte sluta titta på hur människor gör detta.
Det ser så lätt ut, men det är egentligen svårt....hur man ska skrynka pappret för o göra mönster, hur mycket av varje färg man ska spreja, allt det måste man tänka på.

Eng: Im absolutely loving this at the moment, cant stop watching how people do this.
It looks easy, but trust me, its not! How much of each colour are you going to spray, how your going to crumple the paper to get the pattern you want, all of this must be taken into consideration!

Vad tycker du?
What do you think??

Vackra Foton!~

Jag gick in på min DeviantArt account, och hittade vackra bilder av en person, nämligen April182.
Här får ni ett smakprov av hennes Art.

I went on my DeviantArt account, and found some stuning photos and an amazing gallery by April182.
Here you get a taste of her Art:



Vackert, eller hur?
Beautiful, dont you think so?

Tryck HÄR föratt komma in på hennes sida.

Click HERE to come to her web-site.

Coolest Dancers Ever?~

So...my brother forced me to watch some video on youtube...
at first i thought 'what a waste of time', but after a couple of seconds i got pretty amazed!
Watch for yourselves!

Then he showed me this video:

But i must say,


So my cousin sent me a mail to Nelly.se where you design your own shoe, according to your fantasies, and get to win, something.....
annyways, please support me! Vote for me!

Min kusin skickade en mail till mig med länk till nelly.se vart du kan designa dina egna sko.
Snälla rösta för mig!

Mina designade sko på NELLY.COM

Hjälp mig att vinna, rösta på mina skor här!

CRAZY..but amazing!~

Just found some awesome photos on the net.
Take a look at the most amazing nail art ive ever seen xD

Amazing nail art 1

The Simpsons

Amazing nail art 2

Disney's Donald Duck

Amazing nail art 3

Sesame Street

Amazing nail art 4

Drink's Brands

Amazing nail art 5

Sponge Bob Square Pants!

Amazing nail art 6

Sweet Brands

Amazing nail art 7

MCA Football Club

Really creative, dont you think??


E.A. and Beautiful~

I think that East Asian models look absolutely stunning.
Whatever they may be wearing, they look amazing in it i think, just look below.


Dont you think so too?

Rich and Fantastic?~

Just found some pictures of a Rich Japanese family's wedding cermony....
Check it out:

Here is the Grooms house

and the cars

The brides house

The Bride herself

the wedding ring

The Bride and her family with the Groom

The dining hall

And the wedding parade

Fantasy like, ne?

10 great warning signs~

A fine AND instant death.....chose one will you!

Warning sign for cows!!!

The buffalo waits until you lose a wheel....and THEN strike

This sign is more effective now than what it ever was when it was standing.

Keep away from drowning machine?? No waaay, makes sense to me -.-

Hit 5 in a row and the points double!

The guy looks like hes having fun to me ^^

Thanks for the warning ;)


Kick Ass!~

Lets learn some Kick Ass Chinese!!

Im soooo using this on Miss.Genie Later, hahahahaha xD


'Yoohoo and Friends' is a Korean Kids program, about 5 animals (as you can see above..where ones head is cut off) who are all endagered animals who help save other animals which are also endangered around the world and how to help the Earth become a better place....
...as in cleaning rubbish and recycling and i dont know other things...

I dont watch the program, i just buy their products =D


People in my age would say im too old for these things, but i dont think anyone is ever too old for cute stuffed animals!

While i was shopping in Claire's yesterday, i found YooHoo and Friends stuffies!!!

This is Miss.Genie, its not me.
Proof that this is not me?
If you look at my nail pictures, you can see that my skin colour is lighter than Genie's.

My hand xD

Cute right??

But they are very expensive, round 150 SKR for each piece.


Finally finished creating Miss.Popo!
Here she is:

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